Deana Sobel Lederman 是一位漫画家和插画家,与丈夫和两个年幼的儿子住在加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥。她是新型冠状病毒肺炎故事三部曲《彩虹,口罩,冰激凌》和网络漫画《海狮菲利普》的作者。她的作品发表在商业内幕(Business Insider)、巴伦周刊(Barron’s)、发夹网(The Hairpin)、布鲁克林公共图书馆(the Brooklyn Public Library)、曼哈顿新世界舞台画廊(Gallery New World Stages in Manhattan),以及纽约市教育局的出版物上。在加州大学伯克利分校读本科时,Deana 是加州日报(The Daily Californian)的社评漫画家。她的社评漫画获得了全国性的认可并入围了约翰·罗彻纪念奖和专业新闻工作者学会杰出标志奖的决赛。她的连环画《室友》(Roomies)根据 Deana 和她的六个大学室友的生活改编,入围MTV U’s Strips大会决赛。在2008年,她从加州大学伯克利分校法学院获得了法学博士学位,专攻版权和专利法。
Sam Gross –
The drawings are exquisite.
Robin Cogan –
‘Masks’ gently introduces the concept of wearing masks to young children through a clever series of conversations between animal families. The author/illustrator creates a world where wearing masks, for a short time, is something we can do together. She has imagined a world where we can stay connected, but apart, and reminds us to end the day with ice cream!
– Robin Cogan, School Nurse.
Victoria Roberts –
Deana Sobel Lederman has the gift of writing for children with warmth and clarity and charm. Her drawings are the perfect counterpoint
to her writing and in their simplicity bring to mind Jean de Brunhoff.
– Victoria Roberts, New Yorker Cartoonist
Dr. Fabrice Jaumont –
Conceived during the “Great Pause,” Deana Sobel Lederman’s Rainbows, Masks, and Ice Cream trilogy brought us joy and a brilliant way to talk to our children about the virus. To be able to read these stories in our home language also meant they felt closer to our heart.
– Dr. Fabrice Jaumont, author and educator.