The Heart of an Artichoke

Paperback, Hardcover, E-book (epub)

The Heart of an Artichoke

How many people do you know who studied French in school or spent a year abroad in college but now regret losing the language they once loved? Maybe you’re one of them. Your eyes stay glued to the subtitles during a French film. Classes seem scary, expensive, or both. A week in Paris, let alone a year in Provence, seems beyond reach. So what could keep your fervor for language alive or reignite it after such a long hiatus?

In The Heart of an Artichoke, Linda Phillips Ashour and Claire Lerognon take an improvised and informal approach to learning that will reawaken readers’ passion for French. This spirited exploration of language, literature, and culture mixes the task-based approach with piecemeal learning for an unconventional alternative to classroom instruction.




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About the author

Linda Phillips Ashour is the author of four novels: Speaking in Tongues, Joy Baby, Sweet Remedy, and A Comforting Lie. She was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, lived for nine years in France, and now lives in Los Angeles. Claire Lerognon is a language and communications specialist at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The Heart of an Artichoke is her first book — and boldest learning venture yet. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Language: English

164 pages

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Additional information

Weight 0.660 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.46 in

Paperback, Hardcover, E-book (epub)




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